Thursday, June 12, 2014

A Clean You can See

First impressions make for an incredible impact in what your customers think about your business. From the moment they pull into the parking lot and take that first step through the front door, they are making unconscious assessments and judgements of what they see. One of the most important factors, no matter what your business might be, is cleanliness. Stained carpet or dirt caked linoleum creates a huge negative checkmark for a potential customer. Much like walking through the aisle of a grocery store and finding a sticky spot where something had spilled and wasn’t cleaned properly. It can leave you feeling unsatisfied and in some cases disgusted, depending on the severity of the mess. The same goes for your business and customers, if your business is looking less than it’s best, a new customer can infer that the same can be said of your services. This is why having your place of business clean and professional looking is beyond important.

Working With What You Have 

Regular cleaning does go a long way. Breaking out the vacuum and mop every now again certainly helps to maintain an acceptable level of cleanliness, but is it enough? Over time, linoleum flooring can become caked with dirt and grime that doesn’t come up with a mop and bucket. If you have tile flooring, that grime builds up in the grout, becoming an unsightly nuisance that’s almost impossible to get up without spending an afternoon on hands and knees scrubbing it with a toothbrush. Carpeting can become the most difficult of all. When stains begin to set in, it seems almost impossible to get them up. When the going gets tough, the tough get professional help. While janitors can devote more time to keeping things clean, sometimes you need the help of a commercial cleaning service to make sure your business shines just as bright as the services you offer.

The Advantages of Working with a Commercial Cleaning Service 

When running a successful business, there are certain things you have to take into account for budgeting. While cleaning and upkeep are certainly among them, the amount of labor hours needed to get your business looking professionally clean can take entirely too long. Factor that with the cost of the equipment needed to produce the desired results and it quickly becomes inefficient to attempt to do it in house. Not only can a commercial cleaning service save you money, but it saves you time as well. Having a crew of highly trained, professional cleaners means your business gets cleaned in a fraction of the time, which means a great deal less disruption during your business hours as well as making it more convenient for your customers.

The best, and most important advantage of using a cleaning service is the results. With the skills, equipment and know how to make your office or business sparkle, you can rest easy knowing that you’re creating a positive and professional image from the moment your customers walk in the door. Not only can they help keep you clean, but regular deep cleaning means less wear and tear on your carpet and flooring, extending the life and reducing the investment of having to replace it later down the road.

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Classic Commercial Services 

If you’re looking for a cleaning service that goes above and beyond the call of your everyday cleaners, take a look at what Classic Commercial Services has to offer. The ability to handle even the toughest jobs, from cigarette smoke to pet odors, they have the skill and the tools to make it all happen. Using 100% Green cleaning techniques, you can feel better about your cleaner knowing that you’re not sacrificing the environment for the expense of having a clean office. CCS is committed to helping your business get clean and stay that way, whatever the job may be. From water damage repair to sewage and bio hazardous waste clean up, they can do it all. Their professional crew can show you a never before seen clean that your customers will come to love and expect. With their satisfaction guarantee, you can enjoy the peace of mind that comes with having a clean business that suggests a certain level of professionalism to all of your customers. If you’re tired of looking at dingy carpets and grout between your tiles, call CCS and schedule a free estimate and cleaning demonstration today.

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