Tuesday, June 24, 2014

Don’t let Your Business get Dragged in the Mud

Summer is finally here and a welcome relief after the long grueling winter that many have just weathered. For many office carpets, this brings the peace that comes with not having to deal with salt and slush. Summer, however, comes with it’s own set of problems, from grass clippings to mud and the occasional worm, it doesn’t seem there’s a break from the dirt.

It’s important to stay vigilant when it comes to keeping your carpets clean. While it might not be as noticeable, and with some regular vacuuming, it might even be passable. Taking a chance on what your customers see, however, isn’t always a wise bet. Your customers have a knack for finding things that you wouldn’t see. Indeed, from the moment they walk through the door till their first interaction with the sales team or representative, they are making silent assessments and judgments. We all do it, it’s part of gauging if a business is deserving of our hard earned money. The amount of things you can glean just from the cleanliness of a place is rather astounding and within the first few moments of arriving you can form an opinion of a place, specifically your place of business.

Cleaning Up Your Act 

In the restaurant world, it’s called your ABC’s or Always Be Cleaning, and it holds true for a lot of other businesses as well. The idea for kitchens is that you should never stop moving. You clean as you go and you don’t have to worry about a big mess at the end. This not only keeps things safe, but it keeps your kitchen looking good and running smooth. For an office that has janitors, they’re in a constant rotation, tidying and cleaning, with most disruptive of tasks such as vacuuming are done after hours so there’s less disturbance and distraction for you and your customers.


There are some tasks, such as deep cleaning carpets and washing windows that need to happen more often than they should. For some businesses, hiring a window washer or getting the carpets professionally cleaned can be a big expense. Carpets are even more so in trouble than windows as the dirt isn’t always noticeable.

The Benefits of Cleaning Carpets Regularly 

There are several benefits to having your carpets professionally deep cleaned on a more frequent basis than most businesses tend to do.

Being Professional- When your business is clean, there’s a certain sense of pride that goes with it. It lends itself to a very professional image, one your customers expect to see when going through you.

First Impressions- From new customers to inspections, having clean carpets just adds to the value of your first impression. It’s important to remember that while a returning customer might be willing to overlook something, a new one typically won’t.

Maintains the Life of Your Carpets- While the value of this doesn’t come with a measure of instant gratification, having your carpets replaced isn’t cheap. Over time, the cost of having to redo the carpeting in an office or business can add up quickly. Deep cleaning removes the abrasive substances that cause your carpet to break down.

Classic Commercial Services is Here to Help 

If you’re looking for a cleaning service that really knows the business, then you’re looking for Classic Commercial Services. An IICRC certified cleaning company that is professional as it is eco-friendly. CCS is able to handle many deep-cleaning needs, from carpets to drapes and can handle many different types of specialized cleaning that some business just can’t compete with. They have a knack for hotel cleaning and can even help you convert smoking to non-smoking rooms. Just get a phone call for a surprise inspection, or has a disaster left your business inaccessible? CCS has an emergency response time and is able to help you when you need it most. While they’re there, you can look into having some preventative maintenance done such as stain protection for your carpets and anti-slip protection and treatment for your tile flooring. Keeping your business looking good and running smooth all year long. Come snow, rain, or popsicle melt, CCS is here to help.

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